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Combating Climate Change: Which Presidential Candidate is the Best Choice?

As the 2020 Presidential Election approaches, so does the deadline for fixing the damage that we have caused to the planet. Climate change has made our planet an average of 0.32℉ warmer every decade. The sea levels are rising, the polar ice is melting, and the ocean is acidifying, all because of climate change. The biggest cause is the burning of fossil fuels, which helps exacerbate the greenhouse effect. According to InsideClimate News, we must be on the “path toward a carbon-free global economy by 2030”. By doing this, we will be keeping the planet from warming upwards of 1.5℃. We must act fast, or our planet will one day be uninhabitable. 

At the Presidential Debate on September 29, the candidates were asked the following question: “What do you believe about the science of climate change and how will you address it?” President Trump refused to declare what he believed about the science of climate change. He answered this: “I believe that we have to do everything we can to have immaculate air, immaculate water, and do whatever else we can that’s good”. When asked if he believed that greenhouse gases contribute to climate change, he said “To an extent, yes”. His main point about climate change was that our country needs better forest management in order to prevent wildfires from spreading. Let’s fact check that. According to National Geographic, wildfires are worsened by the intense heat waves that are spreading across the west. These heat waves are directly caused by climate change. Scientists say that there is no evidence that points to “forest management” being able to prevent wildfires. The only way to truly prevent wildfires is to work against climate change and stop the emissions of greenhouse gases. 

Biden’s answer to this question included much more experience-based evidence. He said that when he was Vice President, he was able to lower the cost of renewable energy drastically. He explained the connections between his climate change goals and the economy. He announced that he wants to put money towards ensuring that buildings are weatherized, and he also says that he will create jobs by creating green infrastructure. He plans to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord, which aims to “strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change”, according to the UN Climate Change website. Biden will also fight the disproportionate effect that Climate Change has on People of Color.

Both candidates have stated that they will not ban fracking. Fracking is a method of extracting oil or gas from the Earth, and this process releases a ton of methane, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. We should be moving towards banning fracking, as it is a huge factor that accelerates climate change, but sadly, neither candidate will do so.

Although there are many little changes we can make to combat climate change, like eating less meat and taking public transportation instead of driving individually, it ultimately comes down to having a clean energy system. There is only one way that we, the American people, can ensure that this will happen: Vote blue. 

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