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“There is a big difference between saying dirty words” says Trevor Noah, host of the Daily Show, “and glorifying non-consensual sexual contact.” The first is inappropriate, whereas the second is a crime punishable by law. In 2005, Trump spoke with Former Access Hollywood host Billy Bush: “And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything” says Trump, “Grab them by the pussy.” In a live Presidential debate, Trump calls his talk of forcing himself on women without consent “locker room talk.” Billy Bush pushed back on Trump when talking to a  Hollywood Reporter, “I am in the locker rooms. I am an athlete, and no, that is not the type of conversation that goes on that I’ve participated in.”

President Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct by 25  women. It is of little surprise that he works to diminish sexual assault, a crime punishable by a maximum of 20 years in Federal Prison. The tape reveals him manipulating use of power and making fun of a woman’s body. By using the derogatory word “pussy” and the phrase “grab them by the pussy” he has set an example for future generations. Retired Congressman Costello (R PA) remarks, “….And to say this enables teenage boys to feel they have a license to refer to girls with such names….” Many teenagers from Generation Z believe they do not need consent for sexual contact and in conversation retort with “don’t be a pussy.” 

When Former President Obama was elected, he stopped smoking to set a standard for the youth, whereas President Trump works to devalue women and their roles in society. While his daughter, Ivanka Trump, works on a project to empower women, he speaks of her appealing body. “She does have a very nice figure.” says  Trump. “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter perhaps I’d be dating her.” Alair Townsend, Former Deputy Mayor of New York, comments on her experience working with Trump “He was dismissive. It was always, ‘Hon,’ ‘Dear.’ Things he wouldn’t have said to a man. It was designed to make you feel small. And he did that repeatedly.” 

President Trump sets an example for young boys that they do not need consent. “I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet,” he says in the Hollywood Access tape. “Just kiss. I don’t even wait.” This idea lodges fear in the minds of young girls everywhere. Emma Friedman, a 15-year old student at the Fieldston School comments, “I will not be used. I fear that if President Trump remains in office his example will be continued. That Emma Friedman will be another name to add on someone’s list of sexual assault victims.” As Trump likes to say: “…And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.”

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