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Growth of Disinformation

The global modernization of the past several decades has failed to produce greater amounts of kindness or equality but rather evolved the capacity of a perpetrator’s ability to commit evil acts without consequences. This is evident in the disinformation campaigns that were waged this year by Russia in East Ukraine and China in Xinjiang. 

The Kremlin has painted the Ukrainian government as a “fascist junta.” By taking the opportunity to display the Ukrainian state as purveyors of xenophobia, racism, and, especially, anti-Semitism, the Russians have gained the moral high ground and solidified a parallel to their enemies and German-style fascists of the Nazi party. Within countries that fit into the realm of influence by the post-Soviet era, mental connections of this magnitude are very effective. In Ukrainian politics, there exists a small far-right party. Russia has been working hard to make its citizens believe that this far-right party is far from a minority.

As should be common knowledge by now, China is executing a plan of ethnic cleansing of the Uighur people in the western province of Xinjiang. They are going through with forced sterilizations, manual labor camps, and preventing the free practice of several languages and religions. China has used many forms of propaganda to hide its atrocities from the world. The Chinese government has hired Western YouTubers to spread their lies and has even threatened economic penalties on countries and corporations who speak out against China.

Disinformation across the globe is getting stronger by the day, and it even exists within our borders. As we go about our daily lives and filter the information we receive, it is important, now more than ever, to be conscious of what we trust. No matter what we do, governments, corporations, and private interest groups will continue to protect their interests at the expense of the average citizen. All we can do is protect ourselves to the best of our ability.

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