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A COVID-Era Inauguration

This year it is to be expected that events must be significantly altered, and the 2021 Presidential Inauguration is no exception. “The ceremony’s footprint will be minimal, and the parade that follows will be reimagined,” commented the Biden-Harris Inaugural Committee at a recent press conference. President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris are prepared to accommodate safety guidelines amid the coronavirus pandemic. 

Instead of filling up the national mall, it is recommended that the general public not travel to Washington, D.C. for the event, but instead participate from home. 

As expected from his platform, the committee said Biden’s inaugural address would “lay out his vision to beat the virus, build back better, and bring the country together.” 

In response to the Capitol’s recent attacks, many have voiced safety concerns for the President-elect and Vice President-elect’s safety. As always, the ceremony is expected to be conducted with heavy security. Biden has a unique opportunity to stabilize the nation, and to do so correctly, his inauguration needs to be a hit. 

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