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The Capital Riots: Then and Now

The Capitol riot of January 6th was undoubtedly one of the most notable events in the United States that has occurred in 2021. Although there has yet to be an agreement in Congress to hold a bipartisan investigation into the events of the day, it has been referred to by many as “One of the most unstable days in American history.” 

To recap, on the 6th of January, 2021, a group of right-wing extremists stormed the Capitol building in Washington DC to support then-president Donald Trump and his attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Due to the overwhelming quantity of rioters, Capitol police were outnumbered and perhaps reluctant to make arrests. The protestors managed to enter the Capitol building, stealing and destroying property (at an estimated cost of thirty million dollars), leading fearful members of Congress into a security lockdown for their safety. The riot led to five deaths; one individual was shot and killed, one died of a drug overdose, and three people died of natural causes. 

The previously mentioned police inactivity produced an outcry among the public. Many have contrasted the lack of policing at the riot with the intense police presence at social justice protests in 2020. The hypocrisy evident in the minimal police force present at the Capitol existed before the attack took place. The storming of the Capitol building had been openly discussed in Facebook groups and publicly planned online. The event was no secret, both the CIA and FBI had reason to expect it, yet no measures were taken to prepare for the raid.

Immediately after the riot, there was much speculation as to whether or not this insurrection was only the beginning. The Department of Homeland Security issued a statement saying, “Domestic Violent Extremists may be emboldened by the January 6, 2021, breach of the US Capitol Building in Washington.” Fortunately, this did not happen, and even though voting to certify President Biden’s election was delayed by a few hours, it still took place that evening. This is not to say that the riot had no impact, however. Close to 500 rioters were arrested in the days following January 6th and many remain in prison awaiting trial. Of course, the most signficant event in the days following the riot was the second impeachment of Donald Trump, making him the only president to be impeached twice.

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